1. 想问一下学长,UTD的MSF的就业和实习情况怎么样呢?大概都会去什么公司呢?是不是都是附近的企业?而且我听说UTD有比较多的中国人,但该是一个什么比例呢?30%?50%? 2. 我托福考的很低(80出头。。。),用不用念语言学校呢?如果念的话大概需要多长时间呢?对了,UTD是415协议的学校吗?还有那边的生活环境怎么样?一个月生活费大概多少,如果加上房租的话? -- by 会员 zqd (2010/3/10 8:32:52)
For the ppl I know in the MSF (admitted in 2007), 2 went back China, 2 got the job as accountant (one of them passed CFA level 2, but still hard to get a real Finance job), 1 got the job as marketing, 1 went to another school for acct degree after graduation.... |