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发表于 2004-10-10 13:41:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用wangdaya在2004-3-28 11:18:00的发言:
4 D

6 D

同意6选D。that number 指代上文的4000。

E中的the number意思不清楚

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-10 13:47:50编辑过]
发表于 2004-10-10 13:53:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用iamwwh在2004-4-20 4:37:00的发言:

我选D, 我觉得including reminder to ...是一种伴随状态,printed instructions 是它的逻辑主语。including是现在分词,不是介词.


如果用by including, 句子的主语 the features不能是by including 的执行主语。

发表于 2004-10-16 02:38:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用wlee226在2004-10-10 13:53:00的发言:


如果用by including, 句子的主语 the features不能是by including 的执行主语。

支持选D,因为如果用“ by including....."表示对‘HELP”的解释,这个介宾短语应该放在从句中,而不应放在整个句字后面,造成歧义

发表于 2004-12-13 07:07:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用robertchu在2004-6-18 13:15:00的发言:

3: SinceFebruary, a shit organization has raised interest rate targeted (or targeting?)5 times, and because of the economy’s continued strength, the analysts havebeen predicting for weeks that the target will be raised again in December.

C: becausethe economy continues strength, the analysts predicted for weeks that thetarget would

Thecorrect answer offered is C.  WHY?

Thecorrect answer should be A.  未划线部分用的是现在时态”has raised”, it makes no sense whatsoeverto use “predicted” as in C.  “the economy’scontinued strength” is a fairly simple and very common phrase, so it’s O.K. touse “because of”.  “have been predictingfor weeks that ... will ...” is also a pretty common usage.

我同意robertchu的说法。continued strength 是很常见的说法。下面是引用自美联储主席格林斯潘的发言:“This morning I would like to explore the apparent incongruity between the recent substantial losses on corporate credits and the continued strength of the U.S. banking system”。我也觉得应该选A。C中的predicted和for weeks不搭配,像for weeks, for years, for days这种一直延续到现在的时间状语是经常和完成时搭配的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-13 7:07:08编辑过]
发表于 2005-5-30 10:37:00 | 只看该作者


1.the economy's continued strength与the economy continues strong(C答案里好像不是continues strength,而是continuses strong吧!难道偶的版本有错?)意思是不一样的

2.同意P_GMAT说法,continued strength表达并没有错

3.for weeks引导一段时间,应该用完成时,否则一个句子三个时态,太吓人了吧。。。


发表于 2005-5-30 14:01:00 | 只看该作者

1: Soaring television costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was any previous election.

B: a greater proportion than any previous election

The correct answer offered is B.


2: A certain regulation has done something but has not addressed either logging, which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burn a vast proportion of forests …

E: logging, removing only selected trees, or surface fires, burning a vast proportion of forests …

The correct answer offered is A, but why the alternative answer E is not right?

E选项把第一个插入与removing only selected trees删掉,either or的结构在surface fire就可以看作已经结束了,拿这个burning可以看作是主句谓语has的伴随动作或伴随结果,有歧义。A的定语从句没这个问题。

3: Since February, a shit organization has raised interest rate targeted (or targeting?) 5 times, and because of the economy’s continued strength, the analysts have been predicting for weeks that the target will be raised again in December.

C: because the economy continues strength, the analysts predicted for weeks that the target would

The correct answer offered is C.  WHY?

这里是continue strong吧?我记得是的。再说because本来就比because of更适合表达复杂意思。麻烦查证一下。

4: The principle feature of the redesigned checks is a series of printed instructions that the company hopes will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity, which include reminders to watch something, compare something-2, and view the watermark while holding the check to the light.

B: by including reminders for watching something, comparing something-2, and viewing

D: including reminders to watch something, compare something2, and view

Which one is better? B? or D? The big cow who prefer the alternative choice B argues that the “by including” modifies the verb “help”.

for doing 表目的不如to do,主语是feature,怎么说feature do sth by doing?再有by including会造成comparing, viewing与including平行的歧义。

5: While the rate of mainstream American business failing is more than half, the failure rate for business in a certain country hovers around 5%.

C: while more than half of mainstream American business fails

The correct answer offered is C.


6: In 1994, a total of 4000 cars and trucks were produced in the LACE>USLACE>, but in 1998 almost twice the numbers of trucks alone came off the assembly lines.

D: That number of trucks alone

E: The number of trucks by themselves

Which one is the better?

D好,意思是光卡车就很多辆。E表达有问题。一种理解是一定数量的卡车自己(by themself)跑下了生产线。

发表于 2005-5-30 15:08:00 | 只看该作者

2: A certain regulation has done something but has not addressed either logging, which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burn a vast proportion of forests …

E: logging, removing only selected trees, or surface fires, burning a vast proportion of forests …

The correct answer offered is A, but why the alternative answer E is not right?

E选项把第一个插入与removing only selected trees删掉,either or的结构在surface fire就可以看作已经结束了,拿这个burning可以看作是主句谓语has的伴随动作或伴随结果,有歧义。A的定语从句没这个问题。

这道题好像在GWD里也出现,一直搞不明白,经Tony 牛gg 这么一指点马上就明白了。谢谢哦!

不过,最后一题,第6题有点疑问,为什么A,同划线,不可以呢?在OG里不是有一个例子好像是讲什么bird的那一题,不就是用的是numbers 吗?这里我觉得也可以呀,因为是卡车本身下了流水线,不是卡车的数字下了流水线啊?偶理解有问题?麻烦tony gg再解释一下好吗?到底numbers 和number的用法是怎样的。我觉得一般考点好像都是number,也有例外吧?


发表于 2005-5-30 16:25:00 | 只看该作者
这里的that number真得很新奇。不过如果只把number当作一个名词来理解,就如the fruit等一类指代成分来理解就比较说得通了。也就是说,这里只是重复说明了前面的一个名词形成分,一个数字4000,that number of修饰trucks,意思是‘那样多的卡车’ 中心语是trucks。alone作副词,意思是‘单独的’。再看E,the number of trucks,什么意思呢?中心语是number,意思是说这个‘数’came off......。再有那个by themself,我想强调一点是也许我们有办法把一个选项解释的通,但如果还能理解成另外一个意思(卡车被赋予了灵魂自己没事儿干愣就跳下了生产线飞驰在大众面前),那这个选项本就是有问题的,有歧义的。在og中这样的例子很多见吧。og的解释会说:an illogical but possible reading is that......。所以,在考虑如何把一个选项解释通的同时,也要考虑是不是产生了其他的逻辑意思?这就歧义的含义吧。一家之言,仅供参考。
发表于 2005-5-30 21:29:00 | 只看该作者


不过如果只把number当作一个名词来理解,就如the fruit等一类指代成分来理解就比较说得通了。也就是说,这里只是重复说明了前面的一个名词形成分,一个数字4000,that number of修饰trucks,意思是‘那样多的卡车’ 中心语是trucks。




发表于 2006-8-3 00:17:00 | 只看该作者
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