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发表于 2004-5-27 15:52:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-5-27 16:26:00 | 只看该作者

4: The principle feature of the redesigned checks is a series of printed instructions that the company hopes will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity, which include reminders to watch something, compare something-2, and view the watermark while holding the check to the light.

B: by including reminders for watching something, comparing something-2, and viewing

D: including reminders to watch something, compare something2, and view

Which one is better? B? or D? The big cow who prefer the alternative choice B argues that the “by including” modifies the verb “help”.

我选B。 从平行角度,D不平行。by including 感觉可以接受。

哈哈,我选B,因为大家这样看就知道了The  feature  is instructions that  will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity, which include reminders to watch something, compare something-2, and view the watermark while holding the check to the light.


所以只能用iby ncluding表示方式方法

gigi, 这题为什么不选D,简化后的题干是The feature is instruction, including....
including...这里是介词短语,修饰instruction。因为reminders 本身就是instruction 中的一部分。

而说instruction by including通过什么方式,好像不通。如果是instruct by 某种方式还说得通。

发表于 2004-5-27 17:04:00 | 只看该作者


一,这里不是instruction不是和by including一个层次的

你看出来了吗其实是instructions that  will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity by including

这个by including是定语从句里的部分是和help一个层次,就是说通过在支票上包括一些列的提示来帮助鉴别真伪。。。。

二 to是表目的的介词



发表于 2004-5-27 20:33:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用shinogigi在2004-5-27 17:04:00的发言:


一,这里不是instruction不是和by including一个层次的

你看出来了吗其实是instructions that  will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity by including

这个by including是定语从句里的部分是和help一个层次,就是说通过在支票上包括一些列的提示来帮助鉴别真伪。。。。

二 to是表目的的介词





发表于 2004-5-28 00:08:00 | 只看该作者


17.   During the nineteenth century Emily Eden and Fanny Parks journeyed throughout India, sketching and keeping journals forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had visited.

In choice A it is not immediately clear whether forming modifies journals or parallels sketching and keeping. Also, where they had visited is wordy and inappropriate for a simple reference to past events. Choice B does not establish who visited the princely states, and that were forming should be that formed. Choice C is unclear because to form could be read as either in order to form or so as to form, and the present perfect have visited does not agree with the past tense journeyed. In choice D, as in choice a, where they had is faulty, and had formed suggests that the journals and news reports existed before the journey. E is best for this question of average difficulty.

是否可以得出如果选by including可能产生一种歧义,就是including 和watching something, comparing something-2, and viewing 平行?

发表于 2004-5-28 00:38:00 | 只看该作者

open to discussion

以下是引用mariezhu在2004-5-28 0:08:00的发言:


17.   During the nineteenth century Emily Eden and Fanny Parks journeyed throughout India, sketching and keeping journals forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had visited.

In choice A it is not immediately clear whether forming modifies journals or parallels sketching and keeping. Also, where they had visited is wordy and inappropriate for a simple reference to past events. Choice B does not establish who visited the princely states, and that were forming should be that formed. Choice C is unclear because to form could be read as either in order to form or so as to form, and the present perfect have visited does not agree with the past tense journeyed. In choice D, as in choice a, where they had is faulty, and had formed suggests that the journals and news reports existed before the journey. E is best for this question of average difficulty.

是否可以得出如果选by including可能产生一种歧义,就是including 和watching something, comparing something-2, and viewing 平行?

发表于 2004-5-28 00:49:00 | 只看该作者




12.   Traveling the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were armed only with an Edison phonograph and insatiable curiosity.

(A) Traveling the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were armed only

(B) In 1905, Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, traveling the back roads of Hungary, began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, and they were only armed

(C) In 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary armed only

(D) Having traveled the back roads of Hungary, in 1905 Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology; they were only armedC

(E) Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály, in 1905 began their pioneering work in ethnomusicology, traveling the back roads of Hungary, arming themselves only

Choices A and B are wordy and imprecise: the phrasing suggests that Bartok and Kodaly were already traveling the back roads of Hungary when they began their pioneering work, not that they traveled the back roads in order to conduct such work. Moreover, and suggests in both cases that they were armed with a phonograph in addition to being on the road, rather than while they were on the road, and only in B is misplaced before the verb armed. Choice C is correct. In choice D, Having traveled… suggests that the two had finished traveling before they began their work in ethnomusicology, and only is again misplaced. Choice E is wordy and awkwardly constructed. The question is a little easier than the average.

traveling the back roads of Hungary armed only,我个人理解这里的armed还是认为修饰主语Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály 好,所以17同样forming可以认为是平行于sketching and keeping 一同修饰Emily Eden and Fanny Parks 。

而B中的by including reminders for watching 跟17的结构不一样所以不会产生这种平行的感觉。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-28 1:05:02编辑过]
发表于 2004-6-18 13:15:00 | 只看该作者

1: Soaringtelevision costs accounted for more than half the spending in the presidentialcampaign of 1992, a greater proportion than it was any previous election.

B: agreater proportion than any previous election

Thecorrect answer offered is B.

同意bryony (4楼), 应该是 “a greater proportionthan (that) in any previous election”.

  “that”可以省,但 “in”不可省.

2: Acertain regulation has done something but has not addressed either logging,which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burn a vastproportion of forests …

E:logging, removing only selected trees, or surface fires, burning a vastproportion of forests … Thecorrect answer offered is A, but why the alternative answer E is not right?

Surely A is better than E here.  现在分词有动作意味,一般修饰句子主语.而且E “logging, removing...” is prettyconfusing.

3: SinceFebruary, a shit organization has raised interest rate targeted (or targeting?)5 times, and because of the economy’s continued strength, the analysts havebeen predicting for weeks that the target will be raised again in December.

C: becausethe economy continues strength, the analysts predicted for weeks that thetarget would

Thecorrect answer offered is C.  WHY?

Thecorrect answer should be A.  未划线部分用的是现在时态”has raised”, it makes no sense whatsoeverto use “predicted” as in C.  “the economy’scontinued strength” is a fairly simple and very common phrase, so it’s O.K. touse “because of”.  “have been predictingfor weeks that ... will ...” is also a pretty common usage.

4: Theprinciple feature of the redesigned checks is a series of printed instructionsthat the company hopes will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity, whichinclude reminders to watch something, compare something-2, and view thewatermark while holding the check to the light.

B: byincluding reminders for watching something, comparing something-2, and viewing D:including reminders to watch something, compare something2, and view

Which oneis better? B? or D? The big cow who prefer the alternative choice B argues tatthe “by including” modifies the verb “help”.

D.  “...feature ... is a serious of instructions... , including reminders to watch, compare, and view...”  “By including” in B is awkward.

5:While the rate of mainstream American business failing is more than half, the failure rate for business ina certain country hovers around 5%.

C: whilemore than half of mainstream American business fails

Thecorrect answer offered is C.

C mightnot be the best one.  If there is choiceslike “While the failure rate for business in US is about 50%”, choose it.

6: In1994, a total of 4000 cars and trucks were produced in the US, but in 1998 almost twice thenumbers of trucks alone came off the assembly lines.

D: Thatnumber of trucks alone

E: Thenumber of trucks by themselves

Which oneis the better?

D.  “twice that numberof trucks alone”.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-18 14:31:05编辑过]
发表于 2004-8-18 19:53:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-9-7 13:45:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用LES在2004-5-27 16:26:00的发言:

4: The principle feature of the redesigned checks is a series of printed instructions that the company hopes will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity, which include reminders to watch something, compare something-2, and view the watermark while holding the check to the light.

B: by including reminders for watching something, comparing something-2, and viewing

D: including reminders to watch something, compare something2, and view

Which one is better? B? or D? The big cow who prefer the alternative choice B argues that the “by including” modifies the verb “help”.

我选B。 从平行角度,D不平行。by including 感觉可以接受。

哈哈,我选B,因为大家这样看就知道了The  feature  is instructions that  will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity, which include reminders to watch something, compare something-2, and view the watermark while holding the check to the light.


所以只能用iby ncluding表示方式方法

gigi, 这题为什么不选D,简化后的题干是The feature is instruction, including....
including...这里是介词短语,修饰instruction。因为reminders 本身就是instruction 中的一部分。

而说instruction by including通过什么方式,好像不通。如果是instruct by 某种方式还说得通。

B, my answer  if i have to make a choice in such 3.  because the ' holding' the subject of which is 'merchants '  determines that the clause ' while holding ......' has to match the clause begining with ' that will help ....'.  only B does so.
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