我现在在Ross visit。我遇到的一位Ross MBA学生,本科Cornell,同时收到过Cornell和Ross的offer,但是选择了Ross。当然每个人选择的角度不同,但是感觉Ross非常的balanced和diversed,学生也很和善帮忙。他们最骄傲的是他们的Action based learning。
Cornell我没去过,校园肯定比UM美,但是地点(Upper New York)比较偏,不如UM(离Detroit机场很近)来去方便。
I had the same dilemma last year (Johnson vs Ross), and I chose Ross. I am pursuing a marketing position in the high-tech industry as well. Ross is very strong in high tech marketing - many large high-tech companies come to campus for recruiting, such as Amazon, Microsoft, Dell, Cisco, and Intel. As far as I know, Johnson is very strong in Finance (and it claims it has a strong brand management program). Also, Ross is a well-balanced school, and its general management and strategy are top-rated. The student body is silmilar to Johnson's - they are collaborative and supportive.