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[录取汇报] HEC MBA

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发表于 2010-1-4 17:49:30 | 只看该作者
我可不可以申请Sep intake,然后在2011年念personalized phase的时候申请Eifel?

另外,楼主能不能提供一些可以进一步了解这个学校的MBA资料/网站之类?官网上没找到Employment Report。我现在有一个concern和关于学制的一对问题:-)


1. 对于两个 intake来说,是不是都是:CORE --> Specialized Tracks --> PP或者exchange?学校网站上的土有点莫名其妙:Sep intake 的Elective好像和PP是二选一的。
2. HEC有几个specialized tracks。是不是就相当于美国学校的concentration?我的理解是在这个阶段,就是选修课的阶段了。
3. Professional Projects是不是就相当于internship?看介绍,这个阶段一般要4~6 months。
4. Exchange是最后一个阶段。看起来,好像Sep intake的如果不去exchange,就可以在学校上electives。而Jan intake的要么exchange,要么PP,不可以留在学校上electives。是吗?

我看了一下HEC/NYU double degree,对于Jan intake学生,是在HEC完成CORE之后,直接去NYU,如楼主所说。不过就没有internship了,好像不是很划算。而对于Sep intake来说,Sep ~ Apr完成Core,接下来在法国做PP(如果这个相当于实习的话),然后Sep去NYU直接上他们的第二年选修。不知道我的理解对不对。
发表于 2010-1-4 19:25:08 | 只看该作者
Ls's concern exactly reaches the point with the weak influence in Asia region unless u're heading for French companies present in Mainland China, of coz based on well command of French language.

For placement stats, me neither. Maybe HEC should be more aggressive/confident in showcasing such info for reference I think.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-5 16:51:15 | 只看该作者
我可不可以申请Sep intake,然后在2011年念personalized phase的时候申请Eifel?招生办说如果赶不上2010年的Eiffel申请,就直接延到2011年,我之前也有在论坛上看到,可能前10个月没有奖学金,后面6个月还能申请的。但是我也知道,如果不在HEC读书,后面六个月是去交换,或者实习。即使得到奖学金也会被停掉的。
另外,楼主能不能提供一些可以进一步了解这个学校的MBA资料/网站之类?官网上没找到Employment Report。我现在有一个concern和关于学制的一对问题:-) 我也没有找到官方的报告,但是有个BBS上有贴出report 不能肯定是否真实。你可以看一下。




1. 对于两个 intake来说,是不是都是:CORE --> Specialized Tracks --> PP或者exchange?学校网站上的土有点莫名其妙:Sep intake 的Elective好像和PP是二选一的。对的。我也是这么理解的。
2. HEC有几个specialized tracks。是不是就相当于美国学校的concentration?我的理解是在这个阶段,就是选修课的阶段了。对的
3. Professional Projects是不是就相当于internship?看介绍,这个阶段一般要4~6 months。(对的。有自己找的还有学校组织的在企业的项目)
4. Exchange是最后一个阶段。看起来,好像Sep intake的如果不去exchange,就可以在学校上electives。而Jan intake的要么exchange,要么PP,不可以留在学校上electives。是吗?我没有研究那么仔细,我只知道Sep intake 是你说的这样的。

我看了一下HEC/NYU double degree,对于Jan intake学生,是在HEC完成CORE之后,直接去NYU,如楼主所说。不过就没有internship了,好像不是很划算。而对于Sep intake来说,Sep ~ Apr完成Core,接下来在法国做PP(如果这个相当于实习的话),然后Sep去NYU直接上他们的第二年选修。不知道我的理解对不对。是的
-- by 会员 sharkroman (2010/1/4 17:49:30)

发表于 2010-1-15 02:40:05 | 只看该作者
I have just discovered this website, it's a wonderful site with plenty of information.

I'm also admitted by HEC MBA Sept 10 intake, so I will be with Alix.

To answer some of your questions, I found on the HEC MBA intranet the placement report of 2009 graduates, you will find it in the attached file. According to this report, only 1% of the 09 graduates work in China, so I suppose that most of Chinese graduates from HEC MBA work outside their home country.

I don't know what is HSMP, but HEC alumni have a strong presence in the UK, especially they have a powerful network at City. It can help when you want to search a job in London.

I strongly encourage you who want to take the MBA at HEC to learn French before coming to France. Your integration and daily life would be much easier. Also, French people are arrogant towards someone who does not speak French, and are very kind if you speak well French. Especially if you plan to work in France, you should speak fluently French. In France, WHARTON, HARVARD, STANFORD mean nothing. US diplomas are not recognized in France. HEC is the HARVARD in the eyes of the French people, so the language is the only obstacle to find a job in France when you are admitted by HEC MBA.

Well, just a few words on myself: male, WE 4 years, 1 year in the telecom industry, 3 years as IB consultant in France, graduated from a french engineering grande école, have extensive international experience, GMAT 710.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



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发表于 2010-1-15 04:06:42 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-1-15 10:32:38 | 只看该作者
请问LZ能不能指教下申SAI网上注册的时候那个Projet professionnel 怎么写比较好呢? 没什么头绪呢 THX
发表于 2010-1-15 18:17:21 | 只看该作者
France's elite selection system from prepas to grande école is unique in the world (you can never find an elite in a french university). This makes them sceptic of all the other education systems. Moreover, reality shows that anglosaxon people graduated from top US MBAs can not succeed in France because they have a too American-centric vision and the french business and economic model is completely different from the american one, on the contrary to China, which is becoming America-bis. This is why european MBA programs insist on the diversity of their classes so that those graduates are able to work in the future multi-polar world.

This is to say that people who are graduated from a french grande école, completed by a top US/European MBA are the most attractive in the modern France. Ex: 1/3 business leaders in the CAC40 companies graduate from a top 10 US MBA, 1/3 from INSEAD, and 1/3 from HEC.
发表于 2010-1-15 18:52:37 | 只看该作者

Evaluation scale for the HEC MBA application

The below evaluation scale for the HEC MBA application was published on the french magazine "L'Etudiant" ("student" in English):

- education: 25% of the score of the candidate

     * pre-MBA schools & grades: 50% of the score of education

     * GMAT: 50% of the score of education

- professional experience: 30% of the score of the candidate

- international exposure: 15% of the score of the candidate

- extracurricular activities: 10% of the score of the candidate

- recommendations: 10% of the score of the candidate

- essays: 10% of the score of the candidate

Professional experience is evaluated through essays & interviews.
发表于 2010-1-17 07:07:44 | 只看该作者

X+ENA, +ENST, +ENPC, +HEC  ..  才是绝对主流吧,有这个背景的法国人也完全没必要再去读MBA了

lsd哪年的? 背景很好啊,怎么还舍得去读全职?介绍介绍怎么从Industry转IB的吧 ;-)

This is to say that people who are graduated from a french grande école, completed by a top US/European MBA are the most attractive in the modern France. Ex: 1/3 business leaders in the CAC40 companies graduate from a top 10 US MBA, 1/3 from INSEAD, and 1/3 from HEC.
-- by 会员 lsd (2010/1/15 18:17:21)
发表于 2010-1-17 17:01:42 | 只看该作者
X+ENA, +ENST, +ENPC, +HEC  ..  才是绝对主流吧,有这个背景的法国人也完全没必要再去读MBA了

Science Po 不是大学,而是需要2年的prepas才可以考进去的(这是对法国人的录取标准,对外国人可能会松很多),成功率不到10%.

读MBA是为了能够系统的学到一系列的管理方法及与其相连的技能,如果说你的 pre-MBA 文凭是让你得到硬件技能,那在MBA上就是学"soft skills".

很多高管并不是因为自己的文凭不坚挺去读MBA的,下面给你一些在grande école毕业再读MBA人的名单(法国大部分高管都类似以下人的背景):

Antoine Arnault: INSEAD, DG LVMH

Pascal Cagni: Science Po - HEC MBA, DG Europe Apple

Jean Louis Borloo: HEC MBA, Minister of ecology (France)

Pierre Gadonneix: X - Harvard MBA: former CEO EDF

Francis Morel: Science Po - INSEAD, DG Le Figaro

Michael Zaoui: Science Po - Harvard MBA: DG Europe Morgan Stanley

lsd哪年的? 背景很好啊,怎么还舍得去读全职?介绍介绍怎么从Industry转IB的吧 ;-)

我是在巴黎读的prepas(Saint Louis), 然后是ENST毕业,由于最后一年选的课程有 finance, 所以可以转到investment banking 工作. 毕竟在工程师学校管理方面学的少,由于工作需要得读MBA,读full time 要比part time能得到更系统的知识,而且也更能扩大自己的网络关系. 由于不想去美国工作,所以报了HEC和INSEAD的MBA,最后决定去HEC MBA, 一是HEC MBA比INSEAD更注重 soft skills的培养,学校可以对学生做一对一的定身培训,每个人都可以有自己的career coach一步步让你自己对未来做有深度的思考, 而INSEAD由于学生众多,学校没有可能对每个学生有针对性的培训, 从这一点上讲HEC MBA更能让你在学习过程中得到质的进步; 二是从这2个MBA毕业的平均工资都差不多; 三是HEC MBA给我的奖学金非常高,这会让我在学习过程中没太大的经济压力.

还有一点就是,据我所知,被这2个学校录取的法国学生中有一大半是grande école (catégorie A) 毕业的.

This is to say that people who are graduated from a french grande école, completed by a top US/European MBA are the most attractive in the modern France. Ex: 1/3 business leaders in the CAC40 companies graduate from a top 10 US MBA, 1/3 from INSEAD, and 1/3 from HEC.

-- by 会员 lsd (2010/1/15 18:17:21)
-- by 会员 大西洲人 (2010/1/17 7:07:44)
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