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发表于 2004-3-18 10:57:00 | 只看该作者


1.                         There is no consensus on what role, if any, is played by acid rain in slowing the growth or damaging forests in the eastern United States.fficeffice" />

(A) slowing the growth or damaging

(B) the damage or the slowing of the growth of

(C) the damage to or the slowness of the growth of

(D) damaged or slowed growth of

(E) damaging or slowing the growth of



E可能引起歧义吗? 可能是damaging forests ,也可能是damaging the growth 呀.


发表于 2004-3-18 11:12:00 | 只看该作者
    In choices B and C, the use of the damage instead of damaging produces awkward and wordy constructions

    In C, the slowness of does not convey the original sense that the rate of growth has been slowed by acid rain.



发表于 2004-8-12 01:20:00 | 只看该作者

There is no consensus on what role, if any, is played by acid rain in slowing the growth or damaging forests in the eastern United States.

(A) slowing the growth or damaging

(B) the damage or the slowing of the growth of

(C) the damage to or the slowness of the growth of

(D) damaged or slowed growth ofE

(E) damaging or slowing the growth of

The corrected sentence must make clear that both damaging and slowing the growth of refer to forests. E is the only choice that does so without introducing errors. In choice A, of is required after growth. In choices B and C, the use of the damage instead of damaging produces awkward and wordy constructions, and without to after damage, B is grammatically incomplete. In C, the slowness of does not convey the original sense that the rate of growth has been slowed by acid rain. Choice D also changes the meaning of the sentence by making both damaged and slowed refer to growth.

这ETS不是搬石头砸自己的脚吗?og解释的最后一句刚说了damage 和slow都是指growth,可是又说E是对的。D和E里面的damage、slow除了形式不同,有区别吗?

发表于 2004-8-12 06:01:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2007-7-8 17:56:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用gmat700+在2004-8-12 1:20:00的发言:

There is no consensus on what role, if any, is played by acid rain in slowing the growth or damaging forests in the eastern United States.

(A) slowing the growth or damaging

(B) the damage or the slowing of the growth of

(C) the damage to or the slowness of the growth of

(D) damaged or slowed growth ofE

(E) damaging or slowing the growth of

The corrected sentence must make clear that both damaging and slowing the growth of refer to forests. E is the only choice that does so without introducing errors. In choice A, of is required after growth. In choices B and C, the use of the damage instead of damaging produces awkward and wordy constructions, and without to after damage, B is grammatically incomplete. In C, the slowness
                            of does not convey the original sense that the rate of growth has been slowed by acid rain. Choice D also changes the meaning of the sentence by making both damaged and slowed refer to growth.

这ETS不是搬石头砸自己的脚吗?og解释的最后一句刚说了damage 和slow都是指growth,可是又说E是对的。D和E里面的damage、slow除了形式不同,有区别吗?

 damaged growth(强调结果 形容词词性) 不等于  damaging the growth(强调动作本身 动词词性)
同理: slowed growth 也不等于 slowing the growth

两种表达方式, 对句子的意思有比较大的影响.
前者是-----被损坏的生长  (按中文里的偏正短语来理解);
后者是-----破坏生长  (按中文的动宾短语理解)

新东方对这道题的解释是: C和E的语法上都正确 但E更简洁
虽然新东方的规律---名次>动名词---即 damage>damaging , 而且damage to the growth也不影响句子意思
但是slowness 不能跟to growth , 所以导致C罗嗦.

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