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[资料] 口语真经以及机井的06-08年真题的答案---持续分享---原创

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 14:38:52 | 只看该作者

2006年10月22日口语真题第5题 (117)

In the dialogue, the woman talks about the problem about time conflict between her cousin’s visit in weekend and part-time job in the library. And the man gives her the following suggestions.
First of all, she can let her cousin join the orientation and get to know about their university in weekend. Secondly, he suggests that he can lead her cousin to the department of arts and find a few professors to talk to. I think the woman should take the later suggestion since her cousin’s real interest is in art, after her part-time job, she can pick up her cousin in arts department. Based on the above reasons, I strongly recommend the woman take the advice.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 14:46:37 | 只看该作者

2006年10月22日口语真题第6题 (123)

In the lecture, the professor talks that technology not necessarily simplifies daily life, on the country, it even complicates daily life sometimes. Then he gives two examples to support his idea. The first example is the remote controller which becomes pretty troublesome for us since there are so many controllers at home. Even the universal remote control is not easy to control all the devices and once we forget how to use it, everything will mess up.
The second example is the cell phone. Though it is designed to be small so it can be put in pocket, but the button is too small to dial right number. The professor uses above examples to illustrate that technology is not necessarily simplify daily life.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 14:51:37 | 只看该作者

2006年10月28日口语真题第1题 (106)

Among novels, magazine and poem, I like poem best. I love poem the first time I read a poem called “Auguries of Innocence” by William Blake; it is like “To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands and eternity in an hour”. I love that poem firstly because it tells a profound meaning within such a few words, which teaches me how to write concisely. Furthermore, every poem has its own rhythm inside of it. Last, poem is one form of arts, and I can learn how to appreciate arts.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 14:59:28 | 只看该作者

2006年10月28日口语真题第2题 (99)

I prefer live with others. First of all, living with someone else won’t make you feel alone. It is a good way to make friends by sharing experience, opinions and emotions with your roommates. Through doing so, we can strengthen the independent ability after we left home to college. Moreover, living in a group lets us have the chance to learn how to get along well with others, and in the mean time, improve communication techniques. These skills are of great significance when we are hunting jobs in the future. Based on above reasons, I strongly hold my opinion.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 15:04:00 | 只看该作者

2006年10月28日口语真题第3题 (83)

In the dialogue, the woman disagrees with the statement mentioned in the reading passage. The reasons why she holds that opinion are based on the following aspects. First of all, building apartments off campus is not helpful to save campus space since more parking spaces are needed. Secondly, although the communication with community increases students social contacts, students also lose the chance to participate in school activities which is more important to them. Due to above reasons, the woman strongly holds her opinion.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 15:11:09 | 只看该作者

2006年10月28日口语真题第4题 (113)

In the lecture, the professor talks about actor observation, which means people will give different explanations to the same behavior when they themselves participate in the action and when they merely observe the action. Then he gives the following examples to support his idea. The first example is when a man plugged into a line in front of him; he will get annoyed and remind that guy that this behavior is rude and selfish. The second example is when he himself wants to catch a plane; he will walk directly to the counter for ticket in stead of waiting in the line. This time he doesn’t think a short cut is totally unjustified.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 19:39:34 | 只看该作者

2006年10月28日口语真题第5题 (110)

In the dialogue, the woman talks about the problem that she can’t take the course in American literature because it does not be offered this year. And the man gives her the following suggestions.
First of all, she can take the course in City College. Secondly, she can take some graduate courses instead.
I think the woman should take another course instead; it is better for her for the following reasons. First of all, she can graduate in time; after all, graduate in time is the most significant thing for her. Secondly, through learning another graduate course, she can improve her learning ability, this is important for her future career.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 19:39:54 | 只看该作者

2006年10月28日口语真题第6题 (107)

In this lecture, the professor talks about the effects or arts on children’s development which means the arts can play a very significant role in affecting the way in which children developed. Then he gives two examples to support his idea.
The first example is proud feeling expression through drawing picture. Children in their first and second years already know to expression this feeling by drawing.
The second example is the clay car-making. Child will try and try again after the initial failure in building a car by clay. Professor uses this example to illustrate that art related experience help children learn to concentrate to tough tasks.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 19:40:12 | 只看该作者

2006年10月29日口语真题第1题 (108- first paragraph)

The object I like most is the gift from my parents for my 18 years birthday, it is a book named the Old Man and the Sea which is written by Earnest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers. This book told us a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba. Though he came across lots of difficulties on the sea and came back without a single fish, he was optimistic and still held the hope. Diego is like a mirror which reflects what Hemingway wants to tell us. Never give up and the final success will come right after the last try.
I’ve stuck on that wisdom all the time ever since I read this book for that story makes me believe that there is no stronger thing ever than a strong human belief.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-7 19:40:26 | 只看该作者

2006年10月29日口语真题第2题 (102)

I definitely disagree that we can judge a person by the first glance because it is unreliable. For one thing, appearance lies. An extreme example will be a con man with well dress and sincerely talk, but in fact he is only acting to trick you. Moreover, to get a full picture of another person takes much more than a glance. There are so many information you can’t judge only by people’s appearance such as their past history, eating habits etc. What you get is only partial part which will lead to prejudice. Based on above statement, I strongly hold my opinion.
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