Hello fellow CDers, I am currently looking at a few Chinese MBA since I am interested in returning to the region in the future. I am a Chinese American who can read/write fluently in Chinese. I have about 2.5 years of experience in doing IT related work and got 700+ on my GMAT. However, I cannot find that much information on Beida, Tsinghua, and Fudan's MBA programs (BW, FT don't provide much info), so I was wondering if you guys can help me with these questions: 1. is MBA a valuable degree in China? And do Chinese bschools provide good opportunities to network and finding internships/jobs? And how do they measure against Top20 U.S. MBA in specifically China/Asia? HI Buddy, MBA is valuable in China however I would say MBA is a step for your future success and Chinese MBAs will not provide the influence as US top 10 do. My opinion is that experience plays a less important role in the job seeking process of a bull market than of current bear market.
Chinese Lauguage is a huge advantage for foreign students if you are seeking positions in junior or middle level managment positons. I do think the hiring process for foreign students is more complex than for local chinese. Be prepared.
2. I noticed that Beida + Tsinghua both offer an IMBA as well as regular MBA, but I am quite confused as to which program would best fit my need. I am looking to maximize my Chinese proficiency and also establish network in the region, so would an IMBA fit me more or would the regular MBA do so? Consult these two schools, you'd better choose real classes to experience more about the style of different programs.
3. And lastly, do foreign students really benefit from getting the Chinese MBA degree? Cuz i know plenty of people who went to Top20 in the U.S. find that MBA is pretty useless in general. Sorry if this sounds too much of a novice question, I really can't find anything on english websites on this subject. Comparatively, local MBAs provide you a better enviroment to know real China, if you have a walk in the campuss of Bei Da and Tsing Hua, you will find lots of foreign students here doing their degrees.
However don't expect networking can bring you immediate benefits.
Thanks in advance! Wish you good luck.
-- by 会员 cloned (2009/11/2 6:44:44)