对比下面两道题,有个疑惑 在GWD-9-Q25中,参考答案排除C的理由是单数对多数,平行上不一致,但是在GWD-9-Q19的正确选项A中,却也是单数对多数的,那请问平行的时候究竟是否要单数对单数,复数对复数 呢,这个是否能作为一个排除选项的标准?
GWD-9-Q25: Unlike a female grizzly bear in the Rockies, which typically occupies a range of 50 to 300 square miles, a male’s range will cover 200 to 500 and occasionally as many as 600.
A. Unlike a female grizzly bear in the Rockies, which typically occupies a range of 50 to 300 square miles, a male’s range will cover 200 to 500 and occasionally as B. Unlike the range of a female grizzly bear in the Rockies, typically occupying 50 to 300 square miles, a male will cover 200 to 500 and occasionally so C. While the typical range of a female grizzly bear in the Rockies is 50 to 300 square miles, with males, their range can cover 200 to 500 square miles and occasionally so D. Whereas a female grizzly bear in the Rockies typically occupies a range of 50 to 300 square miles, a male will cover 200 to 500 and occasionally as E. The typical range of a female grizzly bear in the Rockies is 50 to 300 square miles, unlike males, which will cover 200 to 500 square miles and occasionally as
GWD-9-Q19: In many nations, criminal law does not apply to corporations, but in the United Stated today, a corporation commits a crime whenever one of its employees commits a crime, if the employee acted within the scope of his or her authority and if the corporation benefited as a result. A. a corporation commits a crime whenever one of its employees commits a crime, if the employee acted B. a corporation is committing a crime whenever one of its employees committed a crime, if those employees were acting C. corporations commit a crime whenever one of its employees does, on the condition that the employee acts D. corporations commit crimes whenever an employee of those corporations commit a crime, if it was while acting E. the corporation whose employees commit a crime, commits a crime, whenever the employee acted