以下是引用rainbow79在2009/8/27 9:22:00的发言:想问一下interview都需要做什么准备工作呢? 是不是要把学校网站的资料都看一遍? 一般都会问什么问题呢 学校网站的资料应该是更早阶段就开始做的事情,当然其中有些内容会在interview时用到,譬如说提一些有针对性的问题等等。至于什么是有针对性的问题,I leave the question to you. If you feel Goizueta is the right school, you'll spend time finding it out. Why MBA/ Why Goizueta/ Why now/ career goal/ examples to show your leadership/ international exposure/ failure之类的typical问题一般都会问到。也可能让你walk through resume。(To be frankly...surprised to learn that you have no idea of this...) Make sure to prepare for any specific questions relevant to contents you put on your resume or any example you mention. And also prepare for talking a little bit about your leisure life, you won't want adcom feel that you are a boring guy. Smile, eye contact, proper control on the speed and progress. Be polite. Be professional. Show your passion.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/8/27 9:57:09编辑过] |