This sentence explains why a trend of declining
wine sales reversed after the publication of a 1991
report suggesting that moderate consumption of
red wine correlated with reduced risk of heart
disease. The phrase particularly of red wine
modi?es consumption of alcohol, and the sentence
must make clear that it is moderate consumption,
not red wine that the report links to reduced risk.
A Correct. In the second clause, they refers
correctly to sales of wines; the relative clause
beginning with that clearly indicates that
the report linked moderate consumption …
with a reduced risk.
articularly red wine cannot describe
consumption—the preposition of is needed;
the placement of they so far from the
position of the antecedent Sales makes the
sentence awkward and di?cult to decode.
C The clause beginning with which refers to
red wine in this construction, erroneously
suggesting that wine rather than moderate
consumption of alcohol correlates with
reduced risk of heart disease; particularly of
red wine is not parallel to moderate alcohol
consumption; it needs to follow moderate
consumption of alcohol to make sense.
D Without the preposition of, the sentence
indicates that red wine is a kind of
consumption—which makes no sense.
E The incorrect placement of the modi?er in a
1991 report suggests that wine is being
consumed (albeit in moderation) in the
report itself.
-- by 会员 shanefeng (2009/10/23 7:49:00)