9、2次——改善旅游业的建议——不详(未查) 版一:AA想起来了,是讲一封政府顾问写给政府的信,大意如下: Werneria的支柱产业是旅游业,但在Werneria的国家公园(national parks)没有以前那么有吸引力了(attractive),表现在最近5年来,旅游业的利润(revenue)持续下滑.近期在这些国家公园内发现了大型矿石储藏(large minaral deposits).因此,政府应该允许矿物公司开采这些矿石(permit the mining in the national parks),因为矿物公司将提供可观的税收收入(substantial tax revenue)和数以百计的就业岗位(hundreds of job positions),而未来旅游业的收益还将继续下滑. 版二AA:一个W国家由于工业污染的增加导致了旅游业收入的下降,在一些国家公园里新近发现了大量的矿藏,如果发展采矿工业的话那些矿业公司一定可以给政府带来可观的税收并为原来在旅游业工作的工人们hundreds的工作机会,所以增加……(*&……¥&收入的最好方法就是允许采矿工业的发展。 10、2次——飞机场利润下降怎么办——未查 、2次——飞机场利润下降怎么办——未查版一:Argument:说有一个P航空公司,利润下降,这期间油价上涨了,而且它增加了飞机数量,进行了expansion。在这期间其他航空公司也经历了油价上涨,但是有一些还是提高了利润,所以P利润下降跟油价上涨没有关系,而应该是增加了飞机导致的,因此作者得出结论说应该取消那些增加的飞机。 14、2次——房地产商要不要转移目标——题库B6 、2次——房地产商要不要转移目标——题库B6版一:Argument: The following appeared in a letter from a part-owner of a small retail clothing chain to her business partner: “Commercial real estate prices have been rising steadily in the Sandida Heights neighborhood for several years, while the prices in the adjacent neighborhood of Palm Grove have remained the same. It seems obvious, then, that a retail space in Sandida Heights must now be much more expensive than a similar space in Palm Grove, which was not the case several years ago. So, it appears that retail spaces in Sandida Heights are now overpriced relative to those in Palm Grove. Therefore, it would be in our financial interest to purchase a retail space in Palm Grove rather than in Sandida Heights.” Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc. 版二:AA:说一个clothing store 写给business partner的信: Since recent years the real estate prices are increasing steadily at Sandida Heights, the space at Sandida Heights is much expensive than the similar one at Palm Grove, so the spaces at Sandida Heights are overpriced. Thus, 说要在Palm Grove买space 比在Sandida Heights更有financial interest.