以下是引用grandmoon在2009/8/26 18:57:00的发言:想问问第二年会有奖学金么,还是就是只有第一年入学的时候有呢, 另外cornell两年实际费用大概多少呢,网页上说大概6.9万刀每年,节约一下会少一点么。。。 Hi, grandmoon! Many Chinese students did get scholarships from the school this year. Scholarships are merit-based. Some students have scholarships for two years. I don't know the exact amount as I didn't get any, sigh! As for tuition and living expenses, I would say $69,000/year is a conservative estimate. Add another $5,000/year if you don't cook, and plan to buy a car (btw, second-hand only)... Ithaca is not cheap. |