285. Even though the state has spent ten years and seven million dollars planning a reservoir along the Ubi River, the project will have to be abandoned as a result of the river becoming so heavily polluted. (A) will have to be abandoned as a result of the river becoming so heavily polluted (B) is to be abandoned on account of the heavy pollution which the river received (C) had to be abandoned because the river had received such heavy pollution (D) has to be abandoned because of the river and its heavy pollution (E) must be abandoned because the river has become so heavily polluted E 疑问:这题好像应该从语义上选择,可是为什么E的意思才是对的呢?B错在哪?
B) is to be abandoned时态错,on account of 不简洁on account of the heavy pollution逻辑错。 C) had to和had received时态与has spent不匹配。 D) because of the river逻辑错误。 E) CORRECT.