以下是引用dreamawake在2009-5-4 1:37:00的发言: yale 肯定错不了。 tuck and columbia排名暂时好一点,但是yale 今年就前进了3名。 所以就成长空间来看 ,yale 3年以内肯定超过其他2个学校啦。 这个说得有点过了。Tuck和CBS都是比较老牌的商学院,Yale SOM只有三十多年的历史,不管是reputation还是alumni base都比这两所学校有差距。虽然今年YALE前进了3名,但要留在Top10的行列,任务还是很艰巨的。 Having said that, I do believe Yale SOM is a great school, and I love it so much that I can't imagine being at a different b-school. Choosing school is basically choosing the people, and I believe it will be wise to get to know more about the current students at three schools before you make the decision. |