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楼主: baobaobear


发表于 2003-5-20 12:40:00 | 显示全部楼层

BUY side VS SELL side

There's nobody here saying that IB and VC are the same, is there?

"Sell side is selling securities to the public or institutions while buy side is buying securities", the 'SELL SIDE' in your msg. is called 'Brokerage', it's only a part of what IB do, and, as to the 'BUY SIDE', it is mainly what 'fund management firm/ institutional investors' do, not VCs, (***note: 此fund非vc fund里的彼fund也), and IB itselves can be institutional investor in some cases.

as to 'being on the buy side as a VC', maybe we can put it this way: we BUY ideas privately and SELL it to the public (when the company we invest in goes IPO)
发表于 2003-5-20 12:41:00 | 显示全部楼层


sorry, typo here, IB itself
发表于 2003-5-20 13:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
From your guys discussion, it is safe to say that "buy-side" and "Sell-sade" is partitioned by the job fuction, while the investment funds from seed capital to the Funds (Mutual Fund/Corporate Fund) are broken down by the different evolvement stage of a company?
发表于 2003-5-20 14:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
真乱了, 怎么都出来buy side和sell side, 我们不是在谈VC和IB的问题吗, 不过各位还是去那个专贴讨论好吗?
发表于 2003-6-11 18:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
啊呀亚,都做过头航,又做过start up,这有什么可吵的

First Stage 就是第一阶段   (这个要以公司发展而定,不能按头航的分类方法。 否则有些上万人的企业还永远是第一阶段)

First Round 就是第一笔钱  (据我所知第一笔钱多时创始人自己掏腰包)

我喜欢自己做公司的,最讨厌VC和头航 -- 每次都感觉是跟骗子在较量,随时怕他们在背后捅我一刀 -- 他们太了解我和我的企业了。
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