以下是引用msyefu在2009-4-14 4:12:00的发言: Not mean to offense, but I really don't think those three reasons can support your argument that Marshall should be expensive! I think, of course, from the perspective of a student, that the expense for the MBA should be based on their quality. Do you think USC is better in quality than UCLA? If not, why does it charge a lot more than UCLA? Who cares whether USC is private or not?!!
Private 和 Public school 的差别是一个全靠自筹费用,一个有政府资助。相应的传统上面对的招生对象略有差别,学费上也有差距。这个学费的差距不是只针对international student, 对domestic student 也一样。至于选择什么样的学校,就完全取决于个人。 至于USC的quality 是不是比UCLA强,我不想在这里挑起争端,只能说每个学校各有自己优势方向。学费本身和Quality有关系,但是不直接相关。如果按照直接相关的逻辑的话,HBS等Top3应该是所有b-school里面最高学费的,但是实际情况并不是这样。学费的多少和学校的type, 历史,location,brand等等都有关系。 学费当然是在选校的时候一个重要factor, 尤其是对于我们需要付出更多living cost的international student来说。选择学校的理由有多个方面,包括教学,校友网络,brand, 学费等等,每个人选择的条件以及每种条件所占的比重都不相同,还是要综合考虑来下决定。 |