you have a solid background. I have a couple of questions: It does not appear to me immediately that: how your short term goal will help you with your long term goal? Your short term goal is not that clear to me: marketing, and business development and licencesing departments are seperate department in large companies. your long term goal is very generic, you will see every company say that they bring innovation into better product to help the human race. I would recommend: better clear define your short term and long term goals, as solid as possible Disclaimer: just how I feel, I might be wrong. :-) 以下是引用gaoj在2009-3-28 0:39:00的发言:恭喜楼主和wharton2009!我也是相似年龄的申请者,但我今年没有申请top10的学校,主要是因为下决心申请MBA的时间太晚了。 同时我想作为一个有类似楼主背景和职业兴趣的申请者,请楼主帮助我分析下,明年我申请Wharton HCM被录取的可能性。多谢! My background: Age: 33 B.S. (GPA 80/100) and M.S. (GPA 85/100) from China top 10 university, PhD (2009, GPA 3.55) from US tier 2 university. Major: Microbiology 4year work experience with Roche Diagnostics in China, functioned in sales, marketing, and project managment. job title changed from product representative, product supervisor, to product manager. Responsible regions expanded from northeastern Chian, northern China to nationwide China.(Personally, I think that it is an advantage to work with a small department in a large company) Long term professional goal: Bioentrepreneur - bring innovative research findings in life science into industrial application for the good of humanity. Short term career goal after MBA: Marketing and Business Development Manager in large pharma/biotech company focusing on managing marketing, identifying new business opportunities, and drive new business development. At this position, I wish to enhance my ability to perceive markets and drive business development, sharpen my strategy and management skills, and build broad connections with technical innovators and venture capitalists. GMAT: 750/4.5 TOEFL: Waived 再次恭喜下拿到Offer的朋友,同时祝其他等结果的朋友好运! |