我们重新回到OG的解释:In choices B and C, the preposition for is used unidiomatically in place of the "-ing" modifier to introduce the phrase describing powers 意思是power后的phrase是用来形容power的。所以,若使用Supreme Court awarded the Central Intelligence Agency broad discretionary powers for it to withhold….则for it就重复了一次前句的意思。换言之,power之后,只要形容power的内容即可,不必再说一次「赋予它(CIA)...」。从这个角度看,A确实比B更好。
另外,我认为这里重复it和philikittist所提的状况不一样,因为,这个句子很清楚是谁赋予谁什么权力,所以问题很单纯,就是加个phrase来形容power。至于 philikittist所说的,倒是和og183的情况较接近:
183. Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep from being stolen by invaders.
(A) to keep from
(B) to keep it from
(C) to avoid
(D) in order that it would avoid
(E) in order to keep from
In choice A, the phrase/row being stolen lacks the necessary noun or pronoun that specifies what it is that might be stolen. Choice B is best because it provides the pronoun it, which refers to chalice. Like choice A, choices C and E lack the pronoun. D is wordy and awkward in its use of the passive voice. Moreover, avoid is used imprecisely in C and D because it illogically suggests that the chalice is acting to prevent its own theft.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-12 11:05:03编辑过] |