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[校友答疑] Ask Jason@沃顿 (closed)

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-24 06:58:00 | 只看该作者
1) No, the date of the interview does not matter. The interview will be conducted by someone who has never read your file, and will in all likelihood the report will be read by someone else who did not interview you. Hence when you interviewed is not a factor at all.
2) The class profile for class of 2010 is here: There are 2% of students with 0-2 years of working experience, which is about 16 students. Out of these, about 6-10 represent Wharton undergraduates who apply by a special programme where only people who went to Wharton for their undergraduate studies are eligible.

1) Yes, there will be classes on March 3rd.
2) On-campus interviews are conducted by 2nd year students. Hub interviews are conducted by adcom. The admissions director will be doing hub interviews too.
3) We don't have an education club, but the reason is similar to why we don't have a social entrepreneurship club. There are too few people interested in that. Having said that there is a general management club, for instance, and some educational general management companies do recruit on campus. Exploring options in social entrepreneurship might also be relevant for you if you are looking more at the non-profit end of things in education.
发表于 2009-2-24 07:36:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用jelt2359在2009-2-24 6:58:00的发言:
1) No, the date of the interview does not matter. The interview will be conducted by someone who has never read your file, and will in all likelihood the report will be read by someone else who did not interview you. Hence when you interviewed is not a factor at all.
2) The class profile for class of 2010 is here: There are 2% of students with 0-2 years of working experience, which is about 16 students. Out of these, about 6-10 represent Wharton undergraduates who apply by a special programme where only people who went to Wharton for their undergraduate studies are eligible.

1) Yes, there will be classes on March 3rd.
2) On-campus interviews are conducted by 2nd year students. Hub interviews are conducted by adcom. The admissions director will be doing hub interviews too.
3) We don't have an education club, but the reason is similar to why we don't have a social entrepreneurship club. There are too few people interested in that. Having said that there is a general management club, for instance, and some educational general management companies do recruit on campus. Exploring options in social entrepreneurship might also be relevant for you if you are looking more at the non-profit end of things in education.

Many thanks, Jason!

I noticed from Wharton website that Jordan Bookey, WG'07 was from the education field. Do you know her contact details (e.g. email) so that I could talk to her?

Thanks again for your help.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-24 08:39:00 | 只看该作者

We are not at liberty to release any contact details of any current students or alums at our school. I hope you understand that we have to respect the privacy of people associated with the school. Alternatively you can also try contacting related clubs (eg. Social Impact; Community Consultants; Entrepreneurship Club) to see if anyone might be able to help you out.
发表于 2009-2-24 09:54:00 | 只看该作者

Hi Jason,

Thanks so much for answering our questions. I'm interested in corporate social responsibility and the impact of SMEs in social development. Is there any popular class on these topics? Can you mention some popular professors' names, espeically in entrepreneurship and social responsible businesses? Would I find a lot of other students with similar interests?

Thank you!

发表于 2009-2-24 11:24:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用jelt2359在2009-2-24 6:58:00的发言:

2) On-campus interviews are conducted by 2nd year students. Hub interviews are conducted by adcom. The admissions director will be doing hub interviews too.

Hi Jason,

May I ask what is the difference between adcom and admissions director? who is the the one that has the final word?

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-24 12:11:00 | 只看该作者
caterina: a lot of the information (classes, clubs, fellowships, etc for social entrepreneurship) you're looking for can be found here:

youneverknow: the admissions director is the leader of the adcom team. There is no 'final word'- they all make decisions together. The only difference is that whenever there is an event, etc, he will tend to represent the school. This is not like a traditional company where a CEO leads a team. Instead he is more like the person who coordinates the efforts of the adcom.
发表于 2009-2-25 00:26:00 | 只看该作者

Hi, Jason, I have some questions for you. I will greatly appreciate it if you can answer them for me.

1. Are there any graduates who join the United Nations or world bank or other famous non-profit international institutions?Chances are great?

2. Based on my background, I aim to take MBA/Kennedy Government School Joint degree. can you give me some your personal insights about such joint degree programm?

3. I have worked in 5 countries, now working for a country's government, so I intend to stress out Global Leadership Development provided by Wharton when answering why Wharton in my essay. Would you please to shed some lights on such aspect of wharton program?

Thank you very much. 

Best Regards,


发表于 2009-2-25 00:29:00 | 只看该作者
Hi, Jason. I sent you a short message in you box, got it?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-25 00:36:00 | 只看该作者
沃顿面试 Guide Part II

I mentioned that the interview has very standard questions. (Although for Healthcare and Lauder they tend to be harder!) Here are some examples:

1. Talk about your career progress since you graduated?
2. How do you manage a global team?
3. How do you motivate your team members?
4. What are you career goals?
5. Why MBA?
6. Why Wharton?
7. What extra-curricular activities would you take part while you are at Wharton?
8. What is your leadership style?
9. Anything you want to add to say or add to your application?
10. Questions for me? 

You can also find interview questions faced by applicants to Wharton, as well as to other schools (click the school on the click links to the left), here:
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-25 00:39:00 | 只看该作者
1) I would say not many join these organisations, because 1) they don't tend to recruit through MBA programmes 2) interest is not great. However there are classmates who formerly worked in these organisations and you'll be able to get some referrals there.
2) What sort of insights are you looking for exactly? You can also consider the Wharton/SAIS programme, whom many find relevant to international development.
3) While it makes sense to link your past background to the school, people often find it more relevant to link their future goals to the school. In your case they both seem to match, so that's ok. Some international opportunities can be found here:

No, I did not get it. But why not post your questions here, so everyone can benefit from both the question and the answer?
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