我朋友在那里读。 1.Dept. of Accounting and taxation有内部本硕连读的5年项目,GPA要求3.5+,GMAT只要400.对于外国留学生要求就比较高,600/3.0,托福80+,如果入学语言考试没过关,要上语言课程ESL,商学院的研究生还要加个免费语言课程的叫EBS. 2.风险管理的确是TOP10项目. 3.学会计的话,还是选QUEENS校区,仅仅是因为生活,上课方便。朋友就是学会计的,她是这么说的。 4.中国大陆学生还是很多的,05年整个学校大陆学生就5个,08年中国人开始多起来了,100+了。 5.有不是一般的国府背景,亚洲研究院的匾是蒋中正题的,院内有国父孙中山坐像一座。人力资源部的楼是蒋经国捐的,有此人全身铜像一座,生平介绍若干。
Hi, my personal information as follows: Year 4 student, major: Finance accounting and management , GPA:3.2, GMAT: 730. 2 internship experience, one in accounting department in an American company, another one in China Bank.
Based on my background, I want to ask about two things.
1. since the instructions in my undergraduate school are conducted entirely in English, I wonder if I can be waied from Toefl.