我的看法是引用Chioma Isiadinso, A Former HBS Admion Board Member在她北美2008年出版的新书"The Best Business Schools' Admission Secrets"中的话. 原文入下: "An Interview allows the MBA Board to verify the authenticity of your "story". It's also a way for the MBA Board to learn anything about you (Positive or negative) that didn't come through in your application. The main value of the interview is that it can actually sway an admission decidion when the MBA Board is on the fence about a candidate...." 面试在adcom对你的取舍犹豫不决的时候, 面试是决定性因素. 但是当你的材料本身不够强的时候, 面试没办法回天. 有时候, 面试是"压死骆驼的最后一根稻草" - 但我们都知道,并不是那根稻草最终压死了骆驼. 我的意思, 并非忽略面试,而是希望不要把宝都压在这上面. 能做更好当然要更好. 但是其他因素都是重要的. 况且, 面试并不是申请者完全的个人控制. 有面试官的主观喜好和一定偶然性. 相比而言, 论文等其他因素更可控一些. 尽量做到最好,会有更大帮助. |