以下是引用arritty在2008-12-15 20:07:00的发言:TIP!关于as /than比较从句的省略 这个是我自己总结白勇,新东方,prep的结晶哈,如果能领会~比较结构就么有问题啦` 1.对于主谓宾齐全的句子:有可能是主语的比较,实意动词的比较,也可能是经受动作的宾语的比较 如果主句谓语和从句谓语相同,表示比较的时主语,从句 谓语可以用do/did/does代替,如果主句是情态或助动词 ,从句往往省略实意动词保留助动词或者情态动词;如果是BE动词,可以身略也可以不省略的eg: I ate apple faster than you did 如果主句的主语谓语和从句的主语谓语相同,那就是宾语的比较,从句中的主语谓语可以省略 eg:he is an artist rather than a writer. 如果主句的主语和从句的主语相同,表示比较的是不同的动作,因此,从句可以省略相同的主语。 Eg: I dance better than sing 2.对于只有主谓而没有宾语的句子,因为没有受词,只可能是主词的比较或者动作的比较,因此从句不需要加do来说明这是一个可以发出动作的主词。Eg :I eat faster than you 注意比较 I eat apple faster than you do 和I eat faster than you .如果是i eat apple faster than you就成了我吃你比吃苹果快了````` 所以关键的关键在于你明白了比较的对象是哪两个,这个题里面比较的比较对象是两个文明,that flourished 只是对这两个文明的修饰,由于相同所以在后面省略完整的应该是 the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations(that flourished) in the Nile delta  mm再来帮我看看这下这道题吧,prep里的 To meet the rapidly rising market demand for fish and seafood, suppliers are growing fish twice as fast as their natural growth rate, cutting their food allotment by nearly half and rising them on special diets. A B their natural growth rate their feed allotment cut C growing them naturally, cutting their feed allotment D they grow naturally, cutting their feed allotment E they grow naturally, with their feed allotment cut correct answer 考点好像是代词指代和比较结构两个点,总觉着这里的they指代有问题。。。 |