这道题目我终于想明白了答案还是ENew items developed for automobiles in the 1997 model year included a safer air bag, which, unlike previous air bags, eliminated the possibility that a burst of smoke would appear when the bag inflated, and making an already terrified passenger think the car was on fire. A. inflated, and making B. inflated, so that it could make C. inflated and made D. inflated and make E. inflated to make
posibility后边用一个that从句修饰, 但是划掉that从句之后作者真正想说的的 possiblity to make an already terrified passenger think...NND......GMAC就是喜欢这么阴险的考句子,迂回了18圈把一个事情说明白.-- by 会员 门萨来了 (2009/1/20 11:12:00)
新版用着不习惯啊,都不会回帖了。 同意选E这句话中最关键的问题是把壮语when the bag inflated提前了,如果把壮语放到句子最后,就容易理解得多了。 eliminated the possibility that a burst of smoke would appear to make an already terrified passenger think the car was on fire when the bag inflated。不能用and 是因为用to 强调了烟雾出现的作用(危害)。比如,我们上学为了找工作与我们上学和找工作的意思是不同的。
-- by 会员 goafterdream (2009/11/4 11:21:35)
气囊-->烟雾-->恐慌 但是如果是 气囊-->烟雾&恐慌 就等于是说气囊产生恐慌了 是不准确的 |