你好!我已经申请LSE Msc-F&E (Research) as my first preference and non-research one as my second preference.12月8号到department under consideration的。但是目前一点消息都没有。希望读完可以继续读PhD的,所以选择research master as first preference.但是不知道自己的背景申请research master是不是困难了一点,因为research proposal 是拿以前的thesis改的。请lz帮忙看看。 背景如下: Education:澳洲Macquarie University(Top 10的), Bachelor of commerce in accounting and Bachelor of Applied Finance, GPA:3.95/4.00. Full Scholarship Bachelor of applied finance (1st class Hon). Rank first in my year. Full Scholarship。其他奖项若干。 CFA 3 级都过了,今年可以拿charter了。CA (在读,但是不准备读完) GMAT:770+5.5;IELTS: 免 Working Paper: 2 份 Referee:找了学校的professor,LSE的校友做,应该写的还可以的。 W/E:1) PwC (Sydney): Auditor 1.5yr(专审银行,IB的;客户有JP Morgan, BT Financial等等) ;2) Institute for Economic and Peace: Analyst 1yr; 3) Associate Lecturer in Finance, current 同时申请了ox的MFE,cam的Mphil-Fin.都没有消息。Research master是不是很难申请阿?进Research Master的都是什么样的背景阿?谢谢 |