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[校友答疑] LSE Finance Programmes Q&A

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发表于 2009-1-17 17:55:00 | 只看该作者


再问个跑题的问题,英国MSF除了ox, cam, ic, lse,lbs外还有哪些比较好的学校?看到楼主说3%的录取率,想再审几所。

复述我的背景:top university, 2:1, natural science(major)+bueiness ( minor), gmat 690, 1yr+working experience in a big commerical bank


发表于 2009-2-1 17:13:00 | 只看该作者
你好!我是打算下一年申請LSE Msc Finance / Acounting and Finance 的但不知自己的條件足不足夠,

本科,香港top 3. 金融 second up 畢業, GPA 3.3
美國 UC Berekeley & U of Toronto Exchange 1 年
投行一年實習(front office) +  四大financial risk management advisory 1 年經驗(did some high profile risk mangement project, project profoilo > 2 billion USD),
GMAT: 720

我想我最大的弱項是GPA吧, 但我已經confirm了second up. GPA還重要嗎. 謝謝
发表于 2009-2-5 10:54:00 | 只看该作者

你好!我已经申请LSE Msc-F&E (Research) as my first preference and non-research one as my second preference.12月8号到department under consideration的。但是目前一点消息都没有。希望读完可以继续读PhD的,所以选择research master as first preference.但是不知道自己的背景申请research master是不是困难了一点,因为research proposal 是拿以前的thesis改的。请lz帮忙看看。


Education:澳洲Macquarie University(Top 10的), Bachelor of commerce in accounting and Bachelor of Applied Finance, GPA:3.95/4.00. Full Scholarship

Bachelor of applied finance (1st class Hon). Rank first in my year. Full Scholarship。其他奖项若干。

CFA 3 级都过了,今年可以拿charter了。CA (在读,但是不准备读完)

GMAT:770+5.5;IELTS: 免

Working Paper: 2 份


W/E:1) PwC (Sydney): Auditor 1.5yr(专审银行,IB的;客户有JP Morgan, BT Financial等等) ;2) Institute for Economic and Peace: Analyst 1yr; 3) Associate Lecturer in Finance, current

同时申请了ox的MFE,cam的Mphil-Fin.都没有消息。Research master是不是很难申请阿?进Research Master的都是什么样的背景阿?谢谢

发表于 2009-2-5 12:45:00 | 只看该作者

hello, lz!

I have got AD of MSc in management and risk regulation in LSE. you just said that it is a mix of many aspects. I want to know the placement of it and whether it is a good program(eg, its networking, student profile) to study in because I received a MSA AD from UIUC and have no idea where to go.

In addition, I  had interview from Oxford in the first or second round and haven't got any news from it, even the rejection.  I want to ask when the rejection will be sent to me or whether I still have hope on it.

Thanks !!

发表于 2009-2-7 04:31:00 | 只看该作者

你好!我这两天接到了LSE con-AD 要求学位证书和overall mark85%



[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-7 5:15:59编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-8 07:03:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用s_huang在2009-2-5 10:54:00的发言:

你好!我已经申请LSE Msc-F&E (Research) as my first preference and non-research one as my second preference.12月8号到department under consideration的。但是目前一点消息都没有。希望读完可以继续读PhD的,所以选择research master as first preference.但是不知道自己的背景申请research master是不是困难了一点,因为research proposal 是拿以前的thesis改的。请lz帮忙看看。


Education:澳洲Macquarie University(Top 10的), Bachelor of commerce in accounting and Bachelor of Applied Finance, GPA:3.95/4.00. Full Scholarship

Bachelor of applied finance (1st class Hon). Rank first in my year. Full Scholarship。其他奖项若干。

CFA 3 级都过了,今年可以拿charter了。CA (在读,但是不准备读完)

GMAT:770+5.5;IELTS: 免

Working Paper: 2 份


W/E:1) PwC (Sydney): Auditor 1.5yr(专审银行,IB的;客户有JP Morgan, BT Financial等等) ;2) Institute for Economic and Peace: Analyst 1yr; 3) Associate Lecturer in Finance, current

同时申请了ox的MFE,cam的Mphil-Fin.都没有消息。Research master是不是很难申请阿?进Research Master的都是什么样的背景阿?谢谢

research master and taught master for that MFE course are rather similar. The MFE course at LSE is quite academic

i think your background is very suitable for academic research. The MFE course is a good prep for the PhD in Finance programme at LSE.

Dont worry too much, & good luck !

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-8 07:09:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用jackie0808在2009-2-5 12:45:00的发言:

hello, lz!

I have got AD of MSc in management and risk regulation in LSE. you just said that it is a mix of many aspects. I want to know the placement of it and whether it is a good program(eg, its networking, student profile) to study in because I received a MSA AD from UIUC and have no idea where to go.

In addition, I  had interview from Oxford in the first or second round and haven't got any news from it, even the rejection.  I want to ask when the rejection will be sent to me or whether I still have hope on it.

Thanks !!

Not sure about the placement in that programme. Overall, LSE much better than uiuc.

If the markets show signs of recovery by the end of this summer, the placement should be good. I am not familar with the students from that course, but i heard that there is PLMM in that course this year

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-8 07:11:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用霜雨晴在2009-2-7 4:31:00的发言:

你好!我这两天接到了LSE con-AD 要求学位证书和overall mark85%



you just prove to them that you got 85% overall.

发表于 2009-2-18 10:51:00 | 只看该作者

问下楼主,我拿到了conditional offer,但要求overall mark 90%, 这个是平均分吗?要不要加权平均?不加权的话,我现在88分,最后一学期课少怎么也达不到90啊。。。达不到就不能录取吗,有没有可能argue一下的。。。

还有,second choice program 也约我面试,有没有可能同时被两个program都录取?因为第一志愿的90分要求太苛刻,有个backup比较好。。。如果不可能拿两个admission,我也不费那个劲去面试了。。

发表于 2009-2-18 13:11:00 | 只看该作者

lz, I have already recieved the con ad from the MSF program of LSE and interview invitation of Ox for its MFE. Therefore, i would like to ask that would you say anything over the comparision of these two, especially on the placement?


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