518. Most North Carolina ski resorts broadcast music onto the slopes; skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are no slopes without music. D (A) skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are (B) because skiers can choose hard rock, soft pop, or “beautiful music,” there are强加因果 (C) however, skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, “beautiful music,” and (D) although skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, and “beautiful music” slopes, there are(D) (E) skiers can choose among hard rock, soft pop, “beautiful music” slopes, but 说实话,我窃以为此题选A最好,选D次之,因为D改变了原文的意思,凭空加了个转折进去。 人家A作为介绍性地描述,哪里不好?顶多加个and在两个分句间或许更佳。 我在别的讨论上看到很多人觉得B对,这里顺便把我的回复贴出来: B显然是错了啊! 强加因果! 可以选那三种就意味着没有无音乐的坡道吗?如果要改正B的话,窃以为两个分句间应该是并列关系最为恰当: skiers can choose musicA,musicB,or musicC,并且没有无music的坡道可选。 |