而run-on sentence的重点在于其改正方法: 1、分为两个句子 2、用一个逗号加上and,but,or或者其他并列连词 3、两个句子中间使用分号 今天真正体会到 什么是"run-on sentence"的重点在于其改正方法 新prep1-194Whereas the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed and cannot be retracted from the skin, the yellow jacket’s stinger is comparatively smooth, and can therefore be pulled out and used again.
新prep1-223After several years of rapid growth, the health care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying doctors and hospitals.
当时上XDF 老师的一句SVO, and SVO曾经让我觉得 逗号+and后面一定是个SVO 现在看到上述两个反例
然后过来看aeo斑斑的这个贴 茅塞顿开 SVO, and SVO不是一个判断对错的标准 而是 run-on sentence的一个改正方法
新prep1-223After several years of rapid growth, the health care company became one of the largest health care providers in the metropolitan area, but then proved unable to handle the increase in business, falling months behind in paying doctors and hospitals.
当时上XDF 老师的一句SVO, and SVO曾经让我觉得 逗号+and后面一定是个SVO 现在看到上述两个反例
然后过来看aeo斑斑的这个贴 茅塞顿开 SVO, and SVO不是一个判断对错的标准 而是 run-on sentence的一个改正方法
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-21 20:18:36编辑过] |