北大political science本科,日本早稻田大学political science本科,university college london 的政治学Masters, Corvinus University (Hungary) Masters
GPA还不错,北大的3.8几,早稻田大学全A,UCL 全MERIT。每个学校都拿过几个奖学金(Based on merit),还拿过欧盟委员会的研究生奖学金。 个人觉得优势在于international experience, language skills and research ability。
LSAT score plays a crucial role in JD admission process,especially for International students. You can check www.lsac.org and see the average LSAT score of students in each ABA approved law school. For instance, last year the medium score for Yale is 176. LSAT is virtually different from Toefl and not everyone fits that test. Why you choose law school?
well I was committed to academic research in comparative politics before taking the MA offer in UK as a gap year between my undergraduate education and Phd. However, my view changed as I continued my work in rule of law and development. I now consider that modifying and shaping the rules of society as a practicer of laws have a much more substantial impact on the society and people, than sitting in a library, writing academic papers, and lecturing on how we are supposed to do.