以下是引用never3738在2008-11-6 2:01:00的发言:两个问题请教LZ: (1)可能有奖学金吗? (2)毕业前景。 谢谢。或者我把自己的资料给您发一下,让您帮我看看? about scholarship, I am not aware of it, me and another Chinese of this class don't have that, but I will check with admission office. For me and another Chinese, basically, the tuition fee is covered mostly by loan, but we have to pay for the living expenses here. About the career, last year class HSGMBA had two Chinese speak guys, one went to Metro, another joined a financial service in Zurich. They guy joined Metro now has settled down in 杜塞尔多夫, Germany. Other Chinese alumni joined Novartis, ABB, Swiss-Re and so on. Send me email at mbahsg2009[在] live.com. Cheers! |