以下是引用amethystruc在2008-10-20 22:18:00的发言: 我想问下关于推荐信 我记得网站上说的是可以电子可以纸质的推荐信。“Alternatively, recommenders may submit recommendation letters on paper using the recommendation form available for download from the online application. All recommendations submitted on paper by mail should be mailed directly to the Office of Admissions or released to the applicant in a sealed envelope with the recommender’s signature across the seal” 但是我去查网申的网站里面却没有这个表。。。而且网申网站说不接受纸质的推荐信。具体怎么回事呢? 你可以发信去Ad Com问一下,我当时没用过paper-based RL |