新东方补充教材204题 Nuclear fusion is the force that powers the Sun, the stars, and hydrogen bombs,merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart, as in nuclear reactors. A.merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart, as in nuclear reactors. B.merging the nuclei of atoms instead of splitting them apart, like nuclear reactors. C.merging the nuclei of atoms rather than splitting them apart, as nuclear reactors do. D.and merges the nuclei of atoms but does not split them apart, as is done in nuclear reactors. E.and merges the nuclei of atoms, unlike atomic reactors that split them apart. 这个题目是CD里看到的,我不记得是哪里了,所以自己又打了出来。到底是选D还是选E呢? PS.nuclei是什么意思?我没能查到。
刘铮民的语法改错里前言中提到,Watching news on TV, we had our dinner.这个是正确的。 We had our dinner and watched news on tv.(说这个错在主次不分) 但是我有个疑惑,主次不分那句可以理解是边吃饭边看电视吗?这样理解的话句子对吗?
我语法很差,希望各位牛牛不要昏倒。。。 |