同学们,正在准备mba的网申。 下面是essay questions,我怎么感觉这么偏,这么深呢?我感觉中,一般essay的话,不是写statement of purpose, 就是写personal statement,怎么也会有这么专的题目呢?有点不知道怎么下笔。。。
1. | As an aspiring business leader, how will you prevent financial manipulation, improper accounting, and fraud in your company? | B2. | By the standards of developing countries, wages and working conditions in factories supplying or owned by American multinationals are no worse than those in local enterprises, and often better. From the point of view of Western consumers, however, those wages and conditions are often abysmal and provoke boycott threats and campaigns. How would you address this problem?
Please answer ONE of the following questions. (500 words or less)C1. | According to the stakeholder model, beyond its fiduciary responsibility to shareholders management is answerable to several other constituencies. Examine the issue of offsourcing (outsourcing abroad) in light of the stakeholder model. | C2. | True democracy requires an informed citizenry. Given the concentration of most major news outlets (print and electronic) in the hands of a few large corporate entities, how can the public’s need for objective and comprehensive news/information be reconciled with the corporate concern for the bottom line? |