Q15: TTGWD4-Q17: The steel industry has changed radically over the last two decades, as large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel once conducted operations from mining at one end of the process to shipping at the other have greatly downsized, or in some cases shut down altogether.
A. as large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel 后面没有comma,所以如果是once conducted有歧义,可修饰B steel or companies B. as large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that C. with large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that D. while large, integrated companies, such as Bethlehem Steel, that E. and large, integrated companies such as Bethlehem Steel 答案是b 请问a中的as是作为什么词来用的?我一开始认为作为表原因,所以后面跟句子,但是1.steel后不加逗号会产生歧义 2. 两个句子也不像是因果关系 请高人指点!谢谢!
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