1. Most of Portugal's 250,000 university students boycotted classes in a one-day strike to protest a law that requires them to contribute $330 a year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year. A. year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year B. year toward the cost of higher education, for which was previously paid $7 per year C. year, compared to the previously $7 per year, toward the cost of higher education D. year toward the cost of higher education, instead of the $7 per year required previously E. year as opposed to the $7 per year required previously for the cost of higher education 答案D,我选B。 2. Never before in the history of music have musical superstars been able to command so extraordinary fees of the kind they do today. A. so extraordinary fees of the kind they do today B. so extraordinary fees as they are today C. such extraordinary fees as they do today D. such extraordinary fees of the kind today's have E. so extraordinary a fee of the kind they can today 答案C,我选B。 新东方蓝皮书上给出的答案我觉得都不能理解,希望高手帮忙解答一下。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-26 14:19:25编辑过] |