72. (28363-!-item-!-188;#058&003615)
Broccoli thrives in moderate to cool climates and propagated by seeds, either sown directly in the field or in plant beds designed for producing transplants.
(A) propagated by seeds, either sown directly in the field or in plant beds designed for producing (B) propagated by seeds, sown either directly in the field or sown in plant beds designed so as to produce (C) is propagated by seeds either sown directly in the field or in plant beds designed so that they produce (D) is propagated by seeds sown either directly in the field or in plant beds designed to produce (E) is propagated by seeds, sown either directly in the field or sown in plant beds designed for producing
Answer: D
我明白为什么选D。疑问在于:E 的seeds 后面加了逗号,语义上和D中不加逗号,有什么区别吗?