The greatest road system built in the America prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus was the Incan highway,which,over 2,500 miles long and extending from northern Ecuador through Peru to Southern Chile. B Columbus was the Incan highway,over 2,500 miles in length,and etended E Columbus,the Incan highway was over 2,500 miles long,extending B有什么错啊,不能用in length? E不是重心转移了吗 -- by 会员 counyo (2008/8/13 1:13:00)
In B, the sentence goes like this "The road system was high way and extended from ... to ..."
我觉得最大的问题是system 不能extend geographically , only roads can.
更有问题的是,原来的句子里,你可以明显的看到这个extend是指road, B把它换成了system。改变句子的意思,大错啊。 |