以下是引用davidlee0222在2008-8-13 9:44:00的发言:It's not only about age,
and of course relationship is a huge consideration, especially for ladies
29 female MBA is everywhere in the States
the majority ladies studying MBA at this age, so nothing to worry about
a big part of them also bring their husband and kids
singles can have big chance to meet their life partners
since life balance is the ultimate goal for every complete individual, at least for the majority people in the States
but all and all
it's about your career
so here comes the classic question, why now?
or why later? how late?
it's about where and how have you climbed your "career ladder"
what issues and experiences made you here now, in terms of your career
and what's your goals
then after all these situation analysis and goal setting,
what's the "gap" between your current state and ideal goal now?
what can you do about this gap? on efficiency per se
can you do anything about this gap by yourself?
or you need some formal or informal educations or trainings
is that MBA?
what part of MBA do you need?
if you don't take MBA next year,
what'll happen in this period?
will you postpone your career progress?
or will it be more efficient on your career building?
it'll be an yes/no question
since once you clearly analyze your current situation and define your goals
you may realize it's pretty much a strict time frame that shows if you need to take MBA in '09 or either '10
if you run into a situation that seems ambiguous either 09 or 10 can you go for an MBA
you might want to dig deeper on your career assessment
since career is not about 1 year or 2 years plan
it should be organized as a whole
it's connected back to your college or even high school
and thrown over your career and family visions
just calm down and do some retionale for your life
you'll see yourself clearly
写的很好,thinking about it ...