嗯,我知道,申请ACCY PHD 是一个很辛苦很frustrated的过程。为了督促我努力,也希望更够得到大家的support,偶决定开申请日记帖。 Introduction: RUC会计小本,UIUC MSA在读(开学两个月鸟)。无paper。ACCA前十门通过。英国牛津布鲁克斯大学应用会计学本科。 刚跑去跟PhD director和associate director谈过。其实我蛮想transfer到UIUC PhD的,不过很难啊。所以应该还会再申请一些别的学校吧。director说他想先看看我的硕士申请材料,才能给我一些建议。我还想上PhD的Research Introduction的课,director也说看过我的材料之后再决定是不是批准。另外,他需要我给他一份English copy of best thesis,所以最近正在努力翻译中(好吧,芷晓真的很水,连English thesis都没有)~~~ 今天的任务:把剩下的半篇(8页左右)给翻译完。那是偶的本科毕业论文。虽然本科的导师评价很高,但是现在觉得实在很幼稚~~~ BTW: 那天跟director聊,他先问了偶的gmat,表示了满意之后, Director:What about your TOEFEL IBT?
me:99. Director: 99? percentage? me: No. Score. ====================================Silence============================================= me: I can retake my TOEFL. I am not used to speaking to a machine. Director: OK. I can let my secretary arrange it. I am afraid Director has never seen a so-low IBT score. His secretary told me that I should take IBT in October. If I does not get 26+ in speaking part, I can participate in the speaking test held by UIUC in November.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-21 4:31:44编辑过] |