以下是引用zjpopo在2008-7-21 16:27:00的发言:请教楼主,Kellogg的课程设置如何?有的学校是全部必修,自己选择的余地很小。而Harvard又是全部案例,很累。不知道Kellogg在这一点的特色如何?我目前工作7年,申明年时已经有8年工作经验了。但我仍然想读2年的课程,所以想了解细致些。 Thanks! 有关2年项目课程设置的情况请见:http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/admissions/academics/index.htm Kellogg has a combination of case method, field study, seminars, etc. Students are required to complete about 9 required courses during their first 2 quarters (out of 6 quarters in 2 years). You are abundant opportunities to broaden your international perspective by participating in overseas exchange programs, pre-term worldwide trip (KWEST), Global Initiative in Management (GIM), etc.
Kellogg has a combination of case method, field study, seminars, etc. Students are required to complete about 9 required courses during their first 2 quarters (out of 6 quarters in 2 years). You are abundant opportunities to broaden your international perspective by participating in overseas exchange programs, pre-term worldwide trip (KWEST), Global Initiative in Management (GIM), etc. Do not think age is a problem for Kellogg applicants, as long as you have a solid background and are fit to Kellogg culture. This year we have a few admits with 7 years' experience and who cares 1 more?
Do not think age is a problem for Kellogg applicants, as long as you have a solid background and are fit to Kellogg culture. This year we have a few admits with 7 years' experience and who cares 1 more? P.S. For people interested in learning a foreign language (like Japanese, French, Spanish, Latin), you can take paid courses with the undergrads, which does not conflict with your MBA courses.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-21 17:51:28编辑过] |