我认为OG10给出的解释是正确的。要理解这个问题,先要弄清楚borrow against的含义,请看两则从网上摘抄的例句: 例句1:By borrowing against your mortgage, or taking out a "secured loan", you can borrow substantial sums of money without paying through the nose when it comes to interest rates. 例句:If the policy is some kind of permanent policy like a whole life or universal life policy then you can borrow against the cash value that has accumulated inside the policy. 个人认为:borrow against是指客户把某样物品抵押给银行(当铺等),在需要用钱的时候,可以从银行借钱(borrow),但是客户所抵押的物品的价值(value)就会相应的被抵消(against)掉一部分。所以,在逻辑上collateral只能做value的同位语。 偶只是刚入门的菜鸟,有说的不对的地方还请大家指正!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-10 11:12:29编辑过] |