19. While depressed property values can hurt some large investors,they are potentially devastating for homeowners, whose equity-in many cases representing a life’s savings-can plunge or even disappear. (A) they are potentially devastating for homeowners,whose (B) they can potentially devastate homeowners in that their (C) for homeowners they are potentially devastating,because their (D) for homeowners,it is potentially devastating in that their (E) it can potentially devastate homeowners,whose Rhetorical construction +Agreement This sentence is correct and concise.They clearly refers to property values,and whose refers to homeowners. A Correct.The relationship between nouns and pronouns is correct in this sentence;the expression is concise and clear. B Can potentially is redundant;in that there is wordy, awkward,and ambiguous. C Their appears to refer to they(property values) rather than to homeowners. D It does not agree with property values;in that their is wordy and awkward. E It does not agree with property values;can potentially is redundant. The correct answer is A.
they難道不能指代some large investors嗎?如何才算是指代清楚?請指教 |