118. Students in the metropolitan school district lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becominq ever more dependent on information-based industries. (A) lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming (B) lack math skills to a large enough degree that they will be difficult to absorb into a city's economy that becomes (C) lack of math skills is so large as to be difficult to absorb them into a city's economy that becomes (D) are lacking so much in math skills as to be difficult to absorb into a city's economy becoming (E) are so lacking in math skills that it will be difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming E correct. In this sentence, the present progressive verb are lacking reveals an ongoing situation; the construction so...that is clear, concise, and correct。答案能选出E没问题,但是 since lacking is an adjective, how can OG say it is a progressive verb? Moreover, lacking is preceded by so.....我横看竖看坐看右看都想不通啊。。。。各位有何高见? |