1). 4 times more likely to do than to do 2). 4 times as adj. / adv. as 3). 4 times + n. e.g. 4 times what it was
more than ususal / ever before. more than normal 要小心 因为normal 既可以是形容词也可以是名词, 容易混淆(笔记本上一起记着, 就一并写上) less likely to do than to do. 可见, 用likely进行比较时, to do要平行对称.
nearly表示不太到not completely; almost; very close to more than :a greater or additional number or amount(of) 语法感觉没有错。。。nearly four times 和more likely than单看没有问题,不过意思上很别扭,多四倍不太到??感觉nearly 和as...as结构更合适。。不如直接表达成接近四倍比较好。 汗。。。不知道老美是不是这么想。。。 还是希望nn指点。。看不出错只好抠词了。。