以下是引用anchoret在2003-12-30 16:12:00的发言:1. unwarranted assumption: met the minimum requirements established by these codes --> means that there will be very little significant technological innovation within the industry? 用符合规定的材料就无法实现创新? 2. unwarranted assumption: even if 用符合规定的材料就无法实现创新, there will be very little significant technological innovation within the industry --> little evelution of architectural styles and design? 设计和风格上的创新必须依赖于技术创新? 感谢小安~, 不过自由想再问一下,您的第三条在7宗罪中是哪一条呢?另外2是不是最好归类于七宗罪里的那个因果关系的混淆吧?因为原文中有个and hence-----. 谢谢小安再次指正 3. neglecting reletive evidence: even if 这个code确实遏制了设计和风格上的创新, 遏制了创新一定不好?难道安全因素就不重要了吗? [此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-30 16:13:31编辑过] ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em12.gif) |