我刚刚读了一份UMN的international student guide。上面这么说: “If you are granted a teaching or research assistantship, you probably will not receive your first payment from the University until a month or more after you begin working. Therefore, you should bring $2,000 to $3,000 from your home country to meet your initial expenses. You should also calculate how much additional money you will need to meet your expenses during the rest of the year. Keep in mind that the total amount of your appointment may be subject to a deduction of as much as 28% to cover taxes on the value of the tuition waiver. If your appointment is for less than 50% time, you will need to have additional funds available due to the reduced tuition benefit and the lower salary.” 我的funding package是:免学费,外加做part time的ta/ra的18000,如果暑假做事,还有5000。 那上面那段话的意思,岂不是要在免了的学费上,自己交28%,然后拿的TA/RA的钱还有暑假的钱还要交税? 不知道我理解的正不正确。。。 太恐怖了……哪位知道,可否解释一下??? 谢谢!!! |