收到院里系主任签名的email offer
It is a pleasure to advise you that I am recommending your admittance to the PhD program in Human Resources Management/Industrial Relations beginning September 1, 2008, to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, subject to successful completion of your MA degree and receipt of your official TOEFL score report. This letter spells out the terms and conditions for your admission in September. We are all very enthusiastic about having you here.
The formal notification of your admittance will come from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. Please complete the attached form and return it to the Business PhD Program Office as soon as possible but no later than April 5, 2008. After that time you will still be welcome to join the program but we may not be able to guarantee funding as outlined below.
下面讲了一堆Funding 和study的事宜,连initial co-supervisor都给指定了。后来又催我把中文的成绩单给补寄过去说是研究生院process材料的时候必须要用。 现在很担心研究生院会不会通过,他们会以自己的标准重新审批一遍还是例行程序直接发放正式录取通知啊。不知道会不会半截被研究生院毙掉…… 菜鸟真诚请求各位的帮助!! |