以下是引用janegao在2008-3-21 10:13:00的发言:Again big congrats here! Darden is a very good school as i have visited both Chicago and Darden in my interviews. and here is my two cents: Chicago: great school, great academics, great career future, great people, but poor surroundings and cold weather. i went there in Nov and it is just the start of winter from nov to may. Darden: all very good, the facility is fantastic and you cannot find another place that has such great environment and mild weather. (i lived in Virginia for several months) however, i like the chicago style more than darden, coz for the former, it is down to earth and engaging, and the latter, it is a bit too elegant that conveys an air of arrogance. for your thoughts Thanks for your information! No doubt, I love Chicago more, even with the unpleasant weather. For me, the dilemma is whether it is worthy to give up Darden's full-tuition scholarship + $1000 deposit and take $100,000 loan for Chicago.... |