以下是引用renpinwudi在2007-11-23 22:52:00的发言:Choices A, B, and C appropriately use the construction "one X for every thirty-two Ys" to describe the ratio of computers to pupils, but only C, the best answer, is error-free. In A, are does not agree with the subject, one microcomputer; furthermore, in A, B, and D, than is used where as is required. Choices D and E reorder and garble the "one X ..." construction, making four times as many refer illogically to pupils. 从cissy的例子开始就看疯了…… 不知道是不是自己搞错了 根本就在讨论一个无关样本! there is one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils: is 对应的是one computer, 跟后面的every没关系 仅从D E 2个错误选项里 有什么好总结的 根本没有代表性 就算D E 很明显OG的说法是EVERY xxx HAS(OR HAVE)这个结构与后面不对应 根本没有解释have has的问题 LZM那个说法是错的 那些词只是在“正常用法下”接单数 EVERY 32 PUPILS本身是个特殊情况 如果非要说是接单数 我只能理解我是作为一个整体 一点点类似于every cup and folk has, 或者是因为习惯 every man and women has. 但我google了一下 英语论坛也没讨论清楚http://www.englishforums.com/English/VerbSingularPluralForm/jmzl/Post.htm 没时间继续google 希望谁能搜到个真正权威的说法来解释every 32 pupils has or have的问题 我同意renpinwudi的观点,从OG的解释来看,这道题压根就没考every用单数还是复数,也没说every 32 pupils改变了one X for...是错的,只是说DE这么用,是后面的four times as many as指pupils了,错误在这里,而不在have/has |