Since 1986 enrollments of African Americans, American Indians, and Hispanic Americans in fulltime engineering programs in the United States has steadily increased, while the number of other students who enter the field has fallen. (A) has steadily increased, while the number of other students who enter the field has fallen (B) has steadily increased, while other students entering the field have declined in number (C) increased steadily, while there was a decline in the number of other students entering the field (D) have steadily increased, while the number of other students entering the field has fallen(D) (E) have steadily increased, while that of other students who enter the field fell 看这道题的解释是考agreement的,俺也选对了。但是对题目本身有疑问。这里的since应该是作为conj引导一个状语从句,但是while应该也是一个conj引导一个从句,那么这句话岂不没了主句了?我刚开始做的时候,一直在想找个去掉了while的选项,可是5个选项都没有我理想的那个,只好退而求其次选了D。 有知道的XDJM指点指点啊~~~多谢 |