我前来汇报,我刚收到essec的email,说是已经通过审核第一关,不久会联系安排面试!我把我的email内容贴出来吧!收到通知的同胞都过来留个联系方式吧!!我的msn:rosemaryyan@msn.com Dear Jiaojiao,
I'm pleased to inform you that you went through the first step of the selection for the ESSEC MBA admission process. Congratulations !
You will be contacted shortly for setting an interview.
Best Regards,
Monique Merizio International Recruitment & Communication Associate
ESSEC Business School - Paris Avenue Bernard Hirsch 95021 Cergy-Pontoise FRANCE
Tel: 33 1 34 43 30 95 Fax: 33 1 34 43 33 11 E-mail: merizio@essec.fr Web: http://www.essec.edu .edu